Brows + Lash + Skin


Fibroblast Nose Contour

Fibroblast Nose Contour

Fibroblast Upper Eyelids

Fibroblast Upper Eyelids

Fibroblast Acne Scarring

Fibroblast Acne Scarring


fibroblast plasma skin tightening

[Clients must schedule a consultation via phone or in person to be able to receive this treatment.]

forehead lines / $450

frown lines / $200

upper eyelids / $450

under eyes / $450

crows feet / $250

mini facelift (across middle of face) / $500

upper lip / $300

lip flip (upper & lower) / $450

nasal labial fold / $300

lower cheek & nasal labial fold / $700

jowls & lower face / $700

under chin / starting at $550

full neck / $1250

chest wrinkles / $550

ear wrinkles / $200

Acne Scars /price varies

skin tags/ PRice varies

age spots / price varies



what is Fibroblast Plasma Skin Tightening?

Fibroblast plasma skin tightening is a minimally invasive cosmetic treatment that uses plasma, an ionized gas, to tighten skin non-surgically. Trauma from plasma energy stimulates the fibroblasts to produce more collagen and elastin, resulting in skin tightening & lifting.

How does it work?

During a fibroblast plasma skin tightening treatment, an electric arc, also referred to as plasma flash, forms between the tip of the treatment hand piece and the client’s skin. Through a process called sublimation-which turns a solid directly into gas-the targeted tissues are instantly tightened, without causing damage to surrounding areas or deeper skin layers. This tissue retraction and tightening gives results that are comparable to invasive surgery.

What Can I expect from a treatment?

Usually, Fibroblast treatments will last approximately 30-60 minutes. The treatment is virtually painless, requires no anesthesia and there are no cuts or blood. While the treatment device itself never touches the skin, the plasma flash creates a tiny dot (carbon crust) upon contact. These superficial dots, which form in a symmetrical grid over the treatment area, are part of the normal healing process and will fall off 5-7 days post treatment. Clients can return to their normal activities right away with minimal discomfort.

How many treatments are required?

Most clients achieve their desired results after just one treatment. However, depending on the area being treated, the skin’s laxity, and individual response to treatment, an additional treatment may be required after 6-8 weeks for maximum results.

how soon will I see results?

Most clients will see results instantly, which continue to improve over the course of the following 8 weeks.

How long will the effect of the plasma treatment last for?

The results of the plasma treatment are permanent and may be visible for years. Although, it should be acknowledged that the aging process is continuous, with the skin slowly aging every day, which cannot be stopped. Mimic fine lines (worry lines) may recur quickly because muscles are stronger than skin. Treatments may need to be repeated every 12-18 months to maintain initial results.